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My opinion about blogs.

From: dropalinetokerry21@yahoo.com
Email: dropalinetokerry21@yahoo.com
Date: 11 May 2006


There are so many reasons for nonprofits to blog that it's hard to boil them down to a few, but you've done a great job. The key to all of them -- the nugget of information I think all nonprofits should take away from your post -- is that a blog is about connecting very intimately with the unique audience you're trying to reach. It's so much more than a traditional website like this http://adultfriend.finderinn.com , <a href="http://adultfriend.finderinn.com">adult friends</a>, which functions largely as a "billboard" for information. A blog is a place where you can create a community that centers on exactly the issues you want to discuss, with the people you want to have a discussion with. It's like throwing a big dinner party where all the people are interested in exactly the same conversation as you!

Last changed: 05/11/06

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