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From: Asya
Email: asyamoonnate@yahoo.com
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 05 Dec 2003
John, Thank you so much for this. I can definitely understand your malcontent with the medical professionals, but don't be unhappy with all of us. I'm a first time expectant mother, and aspiring neurosurgeon (though I'm thinking more about Ob/Gyn as time goes on). I am always well read on matters that affect me and my loved ones. I am always up front with my patients on whether I am knowledgeable of something or not. I will ask them to give me some time to do more research into their questions and will provide answers ASAP. I think any physician with a strong conscience and good moral sense would approach any human being as a loved one. I don't care that I might never see my patient again. I treat them like friends and build rapports with them all. Their happiness is my joy and my success. That's why I went into the medical field. Not because of the prestige and money (because believe me that's a long time in coming). I went into it because since the age of 5 years old I have been taking care of other people. I started reading medical journals and books on horticulture and alternative medicine when I was around 7. I have always believed that "knowledge is power." Though it's a cliche, it's very true. I always give my patients the complete pros and cons. If they ask for my opinion, I'll provide one. HOWEVER, I always make exception to certain cases that are circumstantial. My boyfriend and I plan to have a natural childbirth. He is my birth coach and we will be assisted by a midwife. Though we have yet to solidify our birth plan, we have already made it apparent that we want no drugs, no induction and reserve the right to refuse any unnessary neonatal vaccinations and procedures (i.e. silver nitrate eye drops and Hep vaccinations--if mom is negative for having Hep, it's SO unnecessary for the baby to receive the shot w/in a day of its birth.) This is just my long way of saying don't be too put off by all doctors. Some are horrible; believe me, I even screen my doctors and will give them the boot if I'm unhappy with their care, especially if it doesn't coincide with how I would treat a patient/client. But, a lot of us--the minority--are waiting to be sought out by those who need us, those who want to ask questions and have an active role in their care reception. Best of all luck to all of you. Just a side comment: Please inform everyone you know that Pitocin is VERY VERY dangerous. Even if guidelines are followed, there are always individual discrepancies that can lead to tragic consequences. I can't imagine that labor and delivery aren't without severe pain and suffering. But, the female body is well-equipped and adapted for childbirth. Pain becomes a thing of the past once you see and hold your beaming and alert baby. Asya
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