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From: Paula
Email: cherubeyes@earthlink.net
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 12 Jul 2003
My son Joey is now 8 years old. He is a beautiful loving child but has been diagnosed with ADHD and significant learning disabilities. No one could ever convince me that it didn't have to do with the Pitocin drip I was put on when I was in labor with him. I had the best pregnancy with him, no problems. I have 2 older children with no problems and both were born with no Pitocin. My 8 year old was born polycythemic (too many red blood cells) and I believe this was due to the excrutiating strong contractions I was getting with the Pit drip. At 18 hrs. old he had to have a partial exchange transfusion (they removed some blood and replaced it with normal saline). This was the start of my son's problems. But no doctor will ever talk against another doctor. There have been 8 years of headaches and heartaches at the expense of me and my son. The only reason I was ever put on the Pit drip was because my OB didn't want to hang around the hospital while I labored naturally. I'm a nurse, have been to numerous neurologists, pediatricians, and psychiatrists with my son looking for an answer and help in getting the proper treatment for him. I've read numerous stories about the possible links between ADHD and Pitocin. But no MD will ever tell you there may be a link. They always answer with "sometimes these things happen". That doesn't cut it for me and shouldn't for the rest of the families who have experienced what I have. Please feel free to Email me if you have had a similar experience.
Just for the record, all information posted here are personal experiences/stories. There are no Doctors/Nurses answering questions on the board. This board is for sharing stories so we can learn from each other! If you have any problems with the board, please email me at Angela4KP1@comcast.net