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From: ricky's mom
Email: melissa_n_ricky@yahoo.com
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 19 Apr 2003
I have a son who is five years old and was diagnosed with mild/moderate autism at four and a half years od age. I had pitocin because my labor was not progressing. My water broke during the night and I went to the hospital and I never dilated past 4 cm. I was given an epidural because I couldn't handle the pain of the pitocin. The doctor kept increasing the dosage. My son had been in position to be born naturally but then he went into distress and "floated" up away from the birth canal. I had to have oxygen and an emergency C-section. About two weeks later I got very sick and had an infection in the incision where the C section was. I was very close to dying if the infection would have burst. I also have fibromyalgia(disgnosed in 2000), which I just read could also be caused from pitocin. I was reading a book today about natural medical treatments for children with autism and read about pitocin. No doctor has ever mentioned the possible link. Thanks for listening. Melissa
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