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From: Teralee El Basri
Email: teraleew@hotmail.com
Category: Uterine Rupture
Date: 04 Mar 2003
Here is my tragic story: My first child was born by c/sec. due to fetal distress. No induction was used except stripping of the membranes. She used a low transverse incision. So for my second child, I wanted to try for a VBAC. My son was diagnosed with IUGR and the dr.'s felt he needed to come out. My midwife believed that he was strong enough to tolerate labor and so we started induction with Pitocin. I was on the Pit. for 12 hours and then was given a four hour break. They then gave me a foley catheter and started the pit. again a few hours later. At around 5 cm. I felt a sharp, shooting pain which was excruciating. I started screaming that something was wrong but everyone felt it was normal. The catheter was removed (it was supposed to "fall" out at 3 cm and never did). There were a lot of blood clots and I continued to bleed quite a bit. No one felt anything was wrong. After a couple contractions I passed out (they say I was sleeping). Two hours later I awoke and when the dr. checked me she said my son was transverse and that we should do a c/sec. I was in so much pain that I was ready to go. The baby's heartbeat was fine all the way to the spinal. When she opened me up, he was all the way up to my stomach, no heartbeat. My uterus had ruptured partially along the old scar and then straight up and down all the way into my vagina. My son was stillborn at 4 lb. 13 oz. on 2/5/03. I lost 2/3 of my blood volume and almost died. We don't know for sure what caused the rupture but I'm sure it was the induction. I think my son would still be here if not for that. Teralee mommy to Noelle 23 months and Isaac b/s 2/5/03
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