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Re: Benign Neonatal Myoclonus and Pitocin

From: Holly in Tennessee
Email: hrouth@midsouth.rr.com
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 19 Feb 2003


My first daughter was born on October 31, 1998. As most of you have stated, I too had a healthy, normal pregnancy. My water broke at 2am on the 31st and I called the hospital to let them know I would be in soon. I took a shower, and packed a bag, and my husband and I set off for the hospital. We arrived at 3:30 am, I changed into a gown, they checked me and I was 3cm dialated, and they hooked me up to the monitors. By 4am, less than a half hour later, they had me on Pitocin! All I know is that I went from NO contractions and NO pain; to a pain like I've never known before, and have not known since. I was horrified at how much it hurt, and I was begging for an epidural, but I wasn't dialated enough to get one. From 4-8am, the only relief I found was when I would pass out from the pain. Finally, at 8am, I dialated to 5cm, and got the epidural. My daughter was born at 1:45 that afternoon, and to make matters worse, the doctor used suction to deliver her. I had only tried pushing twice when he decided to use the vacuum. (this was the doctor 'on call' not my doctor) My daughter was left with a 'bruise' that covered half of her head. The 'bruise' was actually blood on the outside of her skull, caused by the suction. My daughter started having tremors or siezures soon after she came home from the hospital. She had many EEGs and the neuroligists could never find anything wrong. She finally grew out of the tremors by the time she was 6 months old. Until today, after I read your post, my daughter had never been diagnosed with what was wrong with her, and I always assumed it was caused by the suction delivery. Now I know that she had Benign Neonatal Sleep Myoclonus and it was most likely caused by the Pitocin. She is now a happy, healthy, intelligent 4 year old, getting ready to start kindergarden a year early! She hasn't had a tremor in her sleep since she was 6 months old, but she does continue to have 'night terrors'. I don't think the two are related in any way. I had another baby in August, 2000, and I would NOT allow pitocin. I couldn't believe how minimal the pain was going thru labor naturally! The difference between an induced birth and a natural birth were like night and day. Thank you for opening my eyes to Benign Neonatal Myoclonus and putting longtime fears of mine to rest.

Last changed: 02/18/04

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