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From: Normandy
Email: haramain1@netzero.net
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 07 Feb 2003
I just gave birth to my first son Zubair on January 29, 2003. I started preterm labor early. My water finally broke a week after I lost my mucous plug. I was estatic. I was already prepared, I had read anything I could get my hands on, I had my doula, and my birth plan and I was set. My water broke at around 4:30 am and my husband and I headed straight to the hospital. There I met my Doula. On arrival I was 2-3 cm dialated. After they monitored the baby for a while they said that they wanted to start me on Pitocin. I informed the doctor that I already discussed it with my doctor and we both agreed that we would try other methods of induction like breaking my water or nipple stimulation. I had planned for a natural non intervention birth. After they took off the monitor they gave me the okay to move around and try to get the labor to progress. My doula and I tried everything she or myself could think of. We did the stairs, the birth ball, plain walking, the rocking chair, the shower, anything. Finally they told me I had to get reattached to the monitor. The baby was still fine. When they did the pelvic exam they noticed that the babies head was lower that I had dialated and that I was only 3-4 cm dialated. They allowed me to use the birth ball still and get into the shower. My husband and I finally tried nipple stimulation. After another exam they said that I only had dialated to 5 cm and that they were considering the Pitocin again because my labor wasn't progressing like they thought it should be and because the risk for the baby to get infection was increased now since my membranes were ruptured. After crying to my husband and telling them several times that I needed it I finally requested to speak to my doctor. She hadn't arrived yet and had spoken with the residents and then myself over the phone. She said that they informed her of the situation and she understood that I didn't want it but the risk for infection was high. After the intial shock but not wanting to get a c-section. I gave the okay for the Pitocin. They started the drip at 2 and then eventually increased it to 4 the labor started to get so intense that against my birth plan I started to request pain medication. (The reason I didn't want the pitocin in the first place). My husband and my doula helped me cope with the pain and my baby finally came 12 hours later at 4:26 pm. At only six days old I took my son to the ER because I was concerned that he was having seizures while he was asleep. They diagnosed him with having Benign Neonatal Myoclonus (muscle contractions during sleep dealing with the brain and nervous system). After doing some research for myself one of the causes of it can be from oxygen deprivation. A few days ago I saw that the Pitocin can cause the oxygen for the baby to be restricted. I am so upset because the doctors are trying to rule the Pitocin out as the cause but where did it come from. I had a normal pregnancy, it's not hereditary, I wasn't on any medications during pregnancy. I am trying to find answers and anybody who has or have child(ren)experiencing the same or similar problems. I am not satisfied with them just telling me this is normal just because they feel that it will go away. I want to know what caused it and what effects will it have on my child.
Just for the record, all information posted here are personal experiences/stories. There are no Doctors/Nurses answering questions on the board. This board is for sharing stories so we can learn from each other! If you have any problems with the board, please email me at Angela4KP1@comcast.net