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unexpected c-section

From: stephanie
Email: stephani_scott@sbcglobal.net
Category: CSection
Date: 30 Dec 2002


I am almost 35weeks along and for the past seven months I have been diagnosed with having severe heartburn I recently found out i should of been treated for gallstones. I was told it needed to be removed, but couldn't be done until baby was born because it would put me into labor. On top of that i am dialated 2cms my son is breech and i have contractions every 2-3 minutes, but since they only last 20-30 seconds I can't stay at the hospital i also was told that i had enough fluid for 2 babys on Dec. 31 if baby is still breech they are going to schedule a c-section in 3 weeks. This baby makes my 3rd I have had 2 vaginally my second one I had complications with his heart rate dropped down to the 20's and when he came out he was shaking baddly every 45mins-1 hour he had to have blood drawn they told my mother that his blood sugar was in the teens and he should be in a coma they never told me he ended up staying 3 extra days I am not sure if I had potocin with him alls i know is I had fluids today he is a very wonderful boy but constantly they on the go like he is hyper,but any ways back to this baby if any one out has had a c-section please email me I am very terrified about this not only and i having this done i am getting my tubes tied and i have to have my gallbladder out after he is born so if anyone out there can help me come over my fear please email me i also can be emailed at my husbands addy which is blkraven30@yahoo.com please help me.

Last changed: 02/18/04

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