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Aaron's birth....the horror of the Pit Drip

From: Mary
Email: shamilton@frognet.net
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 29 May 2002


I also know what damage the Pitocin Drip can do. I went into the hospital after my water broke to have my son. I was having a few contractions but not alot. After i was there for an hour or so my doctor told me i was 2 cm dilated and needed the Pitocin Drip....i said no. Another hour passed and he told me and my husband again that i needed to have the Drip. I thought he would know what was best for me and the baby so i agreed. They hooked it up and within 5 minutes i was in terrible pain. The doctor told me i would deliver in 4 to 6 hours. Within 10 minutes i delivered. I am told i skipped the second stage of labor. My son shot out like a bullet. The cord was wrapped around his neck ( a side effect of the Drip) 3 times! He was severly bruised for midchest to top of head. His left eye was so brusied that his sclera was red like blood for 3 months after his birth! My son has a condition called Horner's Syndrome. It is a break in the neuro system from severe trauma to the neck. It is a conditon which will not get better. His left eye does not respond to light, his eyelid droops, he has not sweating on the left side of his face, he falls numerous times in a day from weakness to left side of his body and also poor vision, suffers from headaches and is light sensitive....and i live with the guilt of ever having the pitocin drip! I have researched many many times the pitocin and feel it should be taken off the market!!!! Thank you all for sharing your stories. I thought i was the only one! God Bless Each of you.

Last changed: 02/18/04

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