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Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 05 Mar 2002
The worst day of my life was the day my doctor told me that he could not find my baby's heartbeat. It was my first pregnancy. I was 10 weeks pregnant. After an ultrasound, he wanted to do a D&C. I refused and told him that I would let my body miscarry the baby naturally. It took 2 1/2 weeks for that to happen. It was pure hell. When it finally did happen, my doctor was away on vacation. I went to his substitute doctor. Later that evening I was in so much pain I could barely stand up. My husband called the doctor and she said to go to the emergency room. We went to the emergency room and after about an hour of basically being ignored the pain had mostly subsided. They called my doctor's substitute who said they should start me on Pitocin and she would do a D&C. They started me on pitocin and the pain that seared through my body was UNBEARABLE. I handle pain very well, but it didn't take long before I told my husband and mother that I simply wanted to die. They kept me on pitocin ALL night long. The pain was indescribable and the pain medication they gave me didn't even touch it. In the wee hours of the morning my mother threatened every nurse in the hospital that if they didn't take the pitocin drip off of me SHE would. The doctor came in shortly after that and performed the D&C. I was emotionally crushed and felt physically as if I had been close to death. I have never felt anything that horrible in my life. I complained to the doctor who chocked it up to me having a low tolerance for pain. I told her I had a very HIGH tolerance for pain, and that it wasn't ME, it was the pitocin. She really didn't care much about what I was trying to tell her. When my doctor came back I told him my whole nightmare. He basically blew it off. I was furious. I am now 17 weeks pregnant with my second pregnancy. I am elated beyond words! At my last visit to my doctor (same doctor as before) I informed him that I did NOT want pitocin unless it was a dire life or death emergency. He began lecturing me on what a great drug it was and how important it is to shrink the uterus. I told him my body would handle shrinking my uterus naturally, the way God intended. He proceeded to tell me that labor with pitocin was no more painful than labor without it. I laughed in his face. I asked him when he had ever been in labor. Then I told him of various stories I had heard in addition to my own nightmare experience. He refused to listen and told me he had witnessed lots of births and there was no difference. When we left I told my husband to be prepared because when I have this baby and he tries to come near my with pitocin I will give him HELL and refuse it. I already told him that I do not want it unless there is some major risk to my baby's health. The truth is, if such an emergency occurred I would probably need a caesarean anyway. It's truly sick to me that doctors use this drug as if it's as minor as an aspirin. Nowadays doctors want women to deliver when it's convenient with their schedule. My baby (God willing) will be born on his/her time, NOT my doctors.
Just for the record, all information posted here are personal experiences/stories. There are no Doctors/Nurses answering questions on the board. This board is for sharing stories so we can learn from each other! If you have any problems with the board, please email me at Angela4KP1@comcast.net