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Pictocin and the unspeakable pain it brought

From: Dawn
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 19 Jan 2002


I was 17 years old when I had my son. I was very young and very ignorant. Iwent into labor at 1am and was at the hospital by 7am. My contractions were 5 mintues apart and I was coping nicely. I had no prenatal care and didnt take a breathing class. At 17 you think you everything! Well, I was sitting watching TV in the hospital room when the the nurse came in and said I had quit dilating and was going to put me on a "pit drip". I had no idea what it meant but Inever went to medical school so I figured that they knew what they were talking about. As soon as the fluid went in my arm, I was off the bed screaming! I wanted an epidural and my boyfriend at the time said "No don't give her one, I dont want a cripple" And the doctor listened. I sat in agonizing labor for 6 more hours with no medication until my son was born at 8pm. I am currently 8 weeks pregnant now, 23 years old, married and a whole lot wiser. I WILL CHOSE WHAT HAPPENS TO ME AND MY CHILD THIS TIME!!

Last changed: 02/18/04

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