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Email: fubu68@hotmail.com
Category: Other
Date: 15 Dec 2001
I still feel that the safest method of induction is castor oil. Many other induction methods, such as amniotomy, are irreversible and often lead to cesarean section due to "failure to progress" or time constraints for ruptured membranes. The worst things that will happen if the castor oil fails to bring on labor is the mom will have some diarrhea and need some minerals replenished. This castor oil recipe is not unpleasant for the mom and leads to good results: Blend 4 ounces of oil with just enough citrus juice (cuts the oil) to make it liquid. Have another glass of fresh juice, as well as a wash cloth drenched with hot water, at hand. Ask the mom to drink the castor oil mixture as quickly as possible. Then tell her to wipe out her mouth with the cloth to remove the oily residue. Next, have her rinse out her mouth with the fresh juice and spit it out. Finally, suggest she sit down to finish the rest of the juice slowly. The castor oil has no taste, it just feels awful, so this method really helps make it more palatable. The castor oil usually causes the bowels to empty within three hours. (We offer the mom "baby wipes" instead of toilet paper to prevent soreness.) Next, suggest the mom get into a very warm bath, and pour water over her abdomen. If a Jacuzzi is available, all the better! Contractions will usually begin while the mom is enjoying her bath.
Just for the record, all information posted here are personal experiences/stories. There are no Doctors/Nurses answering questions on the board. This board is for sharing stories so we can learn from each other! If you have any problems with the board, please email me at Angela4KP1@comcast.net