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Email: fubu68@hotmail.com
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 15 Dec 2001
Well here's my story: From the beginning there was a misunderstanding about my due date. Since I knew my periods were irregular and the doctors haden't even bothered to ask I told them that they can not calculate my due date by my LMP( last menstrual period). But they insisted even if my periods are irregular they said that that is around the time I ovulated. That was the first problem the second problem was that I changed doctors 3 times so the first ultrasound I had was accurate and was the due date I was going by. So I would them be due on November 30th. But according to the doctors my due date was November 19th. I tried to keep telling them about the ultrasound and that my periods are irregular but they insisted that it was around the time I ovulated so their EDD was correct. Well when I was about 5 months the doctors had told me the baby could have down syndrome, I was devistated this being my first child but then they did another test and said it came out that everything was ok. Well that was a relief. By the time I wassupposedly 40 weeks according to their EDD I was not one centimeter dialated and was not even ripe at all. They told me you have to go for an induction or the baby will bre too big and you will end up having a c-section,and that the baby would do mecconnium inside of me. Well Of course I trusted the doctor and went in. I was given a cervadil a pill inserted into my vagina to make my cervix ripe, this made little progress so I was put on pitocin and then the cervadil again then the next day pitocin. I was in such pain for two days and could not stand it I had to stay in bed the whole time and had all sorts of machines hooked up to me it was a nightmare. They finally listened to me when I told them about my due date and let me go home. I was sooooo relieved to be in my own home. I later 5 days later went to another check up. They told me I was not dialated and that I have to deliver the baby. I told them after the first experience I will never do that again, they kept going on and on and told me the baby will die and all kinds of nonsense I tried to explain to them my EDDis nov 30th and for the first child it is normal to go as far as 2 weeks past your due date and that was the decision I am sticking with. I told them I will check the fluid and if everything is ok why mess with it also I was not 42 weeks yet. I checked the fluid and it was fine. I was in pain but was not gonna go through the induction again no way. So I decided to try natural things I tried the castor oil recipe LADIES IT WORKS. Well the only bad part about it is it makes you go to the bathroom. That same night I took the castor oil I felt the contractions it hurt it is painful but it works. The contractions kept on until the next day by the afternoon I couldn't take it anymore and I knew this is it so we arrived to the hospital at 5:00 PM and she popped out at 11:06 PM. She is beautiful and healthy and I had a vaginal delivery. Here is a word of advice always do your research because alot of doctors tell people they need inductions and c-sections when indeed they don't. You have to have trust in the one true God and leave all matters in to his hands. All praise is due to God who allowed me to have a healthy baby girl and who allowed me to have a natural delivery, and who saved me from the dangers of another induction and a c-section. Have faith in God and let him handle the matters.
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