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Noveber 28 2000

From: Rhonda Schulte
Email: froggerrj@msn.com
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 04 Dec 2001


I was due on november 29 2000, but my doctor dicided to induce me. I think she was worried about toxisimia. I had a rough pregnacy. I had preterm labor at 24 weeks. It stopped, thank God. So I was on bedrest for the duration until 36 weeks. A day before my due day the doc. decided to induce me. I was 21 and my first child so I went along with it. I went in at 6:30am they started the pit drip at about 7:00 then at about 8:00 the doc came in and broke my water. I was dialated to a 2 when I got there. I was about a 3 at noon. I was in extream pain, my contrations were not consistant and they were long. at about 3:00 I hit a 4 and they admininstered the epidural. That was the best thing. At about 9:00pm They decided to bring me down for a c-section. They took me off the drip and the contractions quit and my belly was a ball of mush. Well with in 5 min we had a little boy named Brandon. They let me look at him then my husband and son left the room and I ask if they were sowing me up and they said that I had so bleeding and that they were going to try to pack, coterize, massage, and use other drugs to get my uterus to contract. If nothing worked they would have to do a histerectomy. The doc told me that he was going to put me out so I went to sleep. Four hours later I wake up look at the nurse and asked did they have to take it I thought she said that they didn't so I said I can still have kids and she said no they had to take it. They took me to the icu and my family and almost everyone I knew was there. I was in the ICU for only 8 hours. Then sent to a regular room. They said I healling meraculusly and sent me home 3day later. They said that I amost died. I can only emagie what my family was going throug. They gave me 5 units of blood and looked like the state puff marsmellow man. he he but any way that is my story.

Last changed: 02/18/04

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