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Baby John John

From: Susan Redmond
Email: redsue4@netzero.net
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 12 Jul 2001


Well I'm not sure if it was the pit that gave me such a bad experience or not, but here is my story. John John is my second child my first was born vaginally. My pregnancy was not the best but not horrible. My Doctor said that the baby could be quite large so she said what do you think about pitocin I said I didn't know anything about it, so she told me that it was an inducant and told me it really wasn't a big deal they do it all the time. After talking with her I decided to wait another week to see if he would come naturally. Well he decided to wait, so my Doctor set up a date and time to induce me. I went in at 7:00am and they started the pit drip right away. A couple of hours went by and I started to have such horrible contrations so they decided to check me I had only dialated 2cm so they increased my pit drip. After about another hour of such horrible contractions I finally talked them into giving me something for the pain since they wouldn't give me my eppidural yet since I wasn't dialated enough. Well needless to say the medicine they gave me made me throw-up. A few more hours went by with me throwing up(every 3 minutes)after I had a contraction, they checked me again. They said I had dialated to 4 so I could have the eppidural. After several minutes of the eppidural we found out that the eppidural wasn't working. So instead of reinsurting it they gave me a larger dose. Which still didn't work so they broke my water. Well all this did was make my contractions harder. So I would feel the contraction, feel pressure in my vagina, then I would throw-up. Finally at 11:00pm my doctor said "sweetie I think were going to have to do a c-section". I felt like saying why couldn't we decide this about 15-1/2 hours ago. They wheeled me off into the room to do the c-section and I was really scared, I could tell my husband was scared too but didn't really want to show me he was. They had to redue my eppidural to make sure I couldn't feel the c-section. While the doctor was reduing my eppidural they wouldn't let my husband in so I was very scared. Finally they let him in and they proceeded to do the c-section. The baby was out in what seemed to be no time at all. They show me my beautiful 8lb7oz baby boy named after his daddy. Then he asked me if I wanted him to stay with me or the baby. I told him to go with the baby to make sure we get to take home the same baby. While they were I think putting the staples in I think there were some complications I don't remember much. They all started saying "has it stopped yet?" I asked the nurse who was buy my head what was happening and she said everything is ok sweetie they're just sewing you up. Then they put another iv in so they had both my arms strapped down and iv's in both of them. They had me in there until 1am and buy the time I was done I could only remeber them saying don't look down, so I did of course and all I saw was a whole lot of blood and blue towels on the floor. My doctor after the delivery said she had to do some work on my uterus and that I was "a bleeder". And that was it. When I left the hospital I was so ballooned up I could barely put my shoes on. I was big. About 2 weeks after I was home I started having problems breathing so I called my doctor and they made an appointment for me tbe next day. I went in any they listened to my lungs and she couldn't hear anything. But she told me if it continued to go to emergency in 2 days. Well the breathing or not breathing, I should say, got worse. So I went to emergency. My husband wanted to go, but to go to emergency with a 2 year old and a new born, for god only knows how long, was not an option, so I went alone. When I got there they hooked me up to all the monitors and took blood from my arm and from my wrist(very painful), and then took chest xrays. I was really scared and felt very alone. The doctor said they might have to remove my gullblatter. Then I was crying from postpartum and just being scared, the nurse who took care of me let me call my husband to let him know what was going on. I was so upset I couldn't even talk, so the nurse had to tell him what was going on. They found that I had a lot of fluid in my lungs and gave me some lasix in my iv and one pill to take the next day and sent me home. 5 days after this experience I couln't breath again, so I went back to emergency and they did all the tests again even after I begged them to just do the chest xray, but they said they had to check everything. I didn't mind all the stuff hooked up to my chest, legs and put in my arms, but I really didn't want them to take blood from my wrist again, that hurt worse then the contractions. But they did it anyway and found that I still had a lot of fluid in my lungs so they gave me lasix again in my iv(which makes you pee every 3 minutes) and gave me 5 days of lasix pills to take. After all this I finally got better by my babies second month of life. John John is a beautiful baby boy almost 4 months old and is already eating solid food. And he loves it.I feel very blessed to have a boy and a girl and wanted to have more, but I don't know if that will ever happen, for now adoption looks really good. I still don't know why I got so much fluid in my lungs but after reading everyone's story I can only imagine that it had to be the pitocin.

Last changed: 02/18/04

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