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From: Danielle
Email: scrapdani@aol.com
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 08 Jun 2001
I have one son who was breech and born without complication with a c section. He is now two and beautiful. I knew I wanted a large family and got pregnant 7 months later with Dominic. They would have been a year and a half apart. Now my nightmare begins-I was advised to have a VBAC even though I really was not into it but trusted my doctors. I was almost 42 weeks and not close to being dilated. I went into the hospital to be induced. I had two rounds of cervix softener gel that dilated me one cm. They gave me the pitocin and epidural and I was fully dilated in about 5 hours. I began to push and everything seemed great. My husband got out the video camera because the nurse saw the head crowning. I was shocked to see the monitor start to fluctuate into the 90's and back up again and then into the 70's and back up. I questioned the nurse and she said this was normal since it coincided with my contractions. I felt something was still wrong and pushed like hell. They turned me to my left side and gave me oxygen and then the monitor went silent! This all happened over a 5 minute period. I was rushed into the OR and the doctor used forceps to pull Dominic out. He was not breathing and they could not revive him. I almost died in the process since the forceps ripped my cervix and vagina severely. I lost so much blood. Autopsy revealed Dominic was healthy but died due to asphyxia! Doctors later revealed to us that he showed signs of fluctuation earlier but disregarded it because it came back into the normal range! We still do not really know what happened but I am thinking that the pit had something to do with it????? Dominic went to live with God June 20, 2000.
Just for the record, all information posted here are personal experiences/stories. There are no Doctors/Nurses answering questions on the board. This board is for sharing stories so we can learn from each other! If you have any problems with the board, please email me at Angela4KP1@comcast.net