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From: Shelly
Email: sandtoyz@earthlink.net
Category: Induction/Pitocin
Date: 08 Jun 2001
Finally I've found someone who can relate! We talked with 4 different attorneys here in California, two were top Malpractice atty in their field. They all said that the DRs saved my life and there was no case. I feel that had they done the cs and no pit in the first place I would still be able to have a baby! And my DR did not tell me that this could have happened with the Pit. Well anyways I would love to hear from you and would be willing to do something to help get the word out about the realities of this drug.
Just some quick history: We ttc for 2 yrs, 1yr with clomid and 1 yr without fertility. Finally got PG all on my own on. But unfortunately my cycles were so sporadic (SP) that we weren't sure how far along I was. Anyways DR says I was 8wks with an EDD of 9/2/99 because of LMP well 2wks later I had severe cramping. AN U/S was done and there was no HB (I was supposedly 10 wks and so there should've been a HB) DR said I was miscarrying and to go home. We were devastated! Well it turns out I wasn't miscarrying, I was actually only 3wks PG and of course that soon in PG there is NO HB. They then changed my EDD to 9/29/00, I should have known by that incident that this wasn't going to be smooth sailing. Well actually my whole PG was easy. Madyson was big though and I'm short (4'11") with a small pelvic and at 24 weeks my dr said I would not be able to have a baby bigger than 8lbs and so if she was still big at 38 wks they would induce. Well at 34 wks they did an U/S to check her size and she was estimate to be 7lbs 4oz. My Dr then told me "to be prepared, because it looked like I would have to have a C/S". Well at my 37wk apt I was miserable and huge! DR asked if I would like to be induced the following week. Heck yeah! It was 9/99, I'm huge and it was hot! So of course I wanted to give birth! Well on 9/21/99 at 38wks they admitted me and starting induction. Dr wanted to try a vaginal delivery first. So they applied the gel to soften my cervix at 10pm, had to reapply at 3am and I finally thinned out by 5am. They started the pit at 6am, DR broke my water at 7am. Ctx started getting really close and intense by 9am, I was only to 4cm and said bring on the epidural. By 1pm (9/22/99) I was fully dilated and ready to push. Madyson was not engaged in my pelvic yet, the nurse could feel her head way up inside me still floating. So they had me push really hard to get her down. We did this for about an hour but she wouldn't drop. They still had the pitocin going and my ctx were nonstop and so fierce, I was so thankful for the epidural. Well the DR called at 2pm and said I need to push to get Madyson into place. So with the nurse and my mom, sister and DH helping I tried for another solid straight hour pushing like there was NO tomorrow. At one point my nurse said to my mom we have to turn down the pitocin, because it is tearing up her uterus. I was exhausted and called the DR and said I can't do this it isn't happening, do the C/S! She said "You have to push for at least 2hrs or the Insurance will not cover the C/S" I said fine and continued to push! It never occurred to me to say SCREW the insurance. Besides she knew weeks ago that I wouldn't be able to give birth vaginally! Well DR arrived at 4:30pm and said prep her for the C/S. As they wheeled me into the OR I lost it, the tears started flowing, I knew something was wrong, I just had the most horrible feeling. I had never felt this before and I couldn't control the tears. DH was so sweet he tried to console me but I knew something wasn't right. Well they did the incision and it took about 20 minutes, Madyson was lodged in my ribs because she was so big and she never dropped. Well they got her out, eyes wide open and as beautiful as ever. I remember them whisking her away as I caught a glimpse of her. Her head was so coned, my dad later told me that while they were cleaning her he told her ped that he didn't care how much it cost just fix her head! Poor dad, it didn't cost a dime it finally went down two weeks later. He was just so worried because it looked awful. Well anyways while they were cleaning Madyson, I was being worked on. See the minute she was born I hemorrhaged. My uterus was so lifeless from all the pushing and the stress that it wouldn't go back to it's normal state and just bled. They tried giving me more pit ( they do that sometimes) but it didn't work. They tried several more blood clotting meds but nothing worked. By now they had told my DH he had to leave because things were going to get hectic. He went out to the nursery with Madyson while my Dad and Sister watched through the windows as nurses and DRs raced around to save my life. My DR even called two leading Oncologist to try an experimental procedure to stop the bleeding, but unfortunately it didn't work. By this time I was out and for some reason I remember hearing someone say the word "Hysterectomy". I will never forget hearing those words. I was unconscious (SP) but I heard them clear as day. I remembering thinking no no no I'm only 30 and want more babies. The Dr went to my DH and told him that I was bleeding out and that they have tried everything to stop it but if they didn't perform a Hysterectomy immediately that I would die. My DH said do it save my wife I need her and so does her daughter. So she went in and performed the procedure and saved my life. I can no longer have a baby naturally, but I could adopt or have a surrogate (they left me my ovaries). But it is the hardest thing to deal with. My friends are all having their second and third children now and it hurts but I don't want them to see my pain. My sister just gave birth to her first baby without in complication. She dilated in 1 hour and pushed Brittany out in 2 pushes! Brat! Oh well I have a beautiful baby well she isn't a baby anymore and I'm alive to see her grow up so for that I'm very thankful but I still hold my DR responsible and feel that she made a bad judgment call and that she should of just done the C/S to begin with. Oh and one more thing when Madyson was born and they did the test to show gestational age vs actual Madyson was 38 wks gestational but actually according to the test that they perform she was really 42 wks! Go figure! Oh and one more thing I no longer see the same DR, it's too painful and she has way too many patients she can barely keep them straight. When I went to see her for my 3 wk post op, I took my Mom and Madyson with me and when we got in the exam room I cried. My DR walked in and put her arm around me to comfort me and said oh Shelly don't worry next time it won't be so difficult. My Mom and I just stared at her with our mouths wide open and it took her a minute before she realized what she had said and remember that only 3 wks before she performed a hysterectomy so hello there won't be a next time!
Just for the record, all information posted here are personal experiences/stories. There are no Doctors/Nurses answering questions on the board. This board is for sharing stories so we can learn from each other! If you have any problems with the board, please email me at Angela4KP1@comcast.net